System: Forensic Pathology: Lung: : Bronchopneumonia
Case 1, image 1: This 25-year-old man died of acute mixed drug intoxication. This image nicely demonstrates a neutrophilic exudate around bronchioles and surrounding alveolar spaces.
Case 1, image 2: A fairly vigorous neutrophilic infiltrate.
Case 1, image 3: Alveolar airspaces contain lots of neutrophils.
Case 1, image 4: Another low power view that demonstrates alveoli filled with neutrophils in a peribronchiolar distribution.
Case 1, image 5: Some pigmented macrophages are seen as well.
Bronchopneumonia is a fairly common finding at autopsy, caused by an infection or in some instances, obtunded or hospitalized individuals who cannot properly clear their oral secretions.