System: Breast: Invasive Carcinoma - Special Types: Neoplastic: Tubular Carcinoma
Haphazardly distributed glands are irregularly dispersed within a fibroblastic stroma. There is no evidence of a lobular configuration. A few normal glands are seen along the periphery.
Another case is seen here. Small angulated glands are seen dissecting through the stroma.
The entire tumor showed well formed glands, which often have a teardrop or angular outline. Single cells infiltrating the stroma are lacking. Some residual fat is seen admixed with the infiltration.
Aspiration of the tumor showed numerous well formed glandular structures and mild atypia. The background lacks necrosis and debris.
Keratin 7 staining highlights the scattered single cells and the glands.
Due to the consideration of papillary mesothelial hyperplasia, ER was done which is strongly positive.
Compared with infiltrating ductal carcinoma, tubular carcinoma is associated with more favorable outcome after breast conservation therapy, suggesting the appropriateness of a conservative approach for this subtype. (Lui). Approximately 8% are associated with nodal disease, and these instances are associated with larger tumor size (Javid) w
Lui GF et al. Clinical-Pathologic Features and Long-Term Outcomes of Tubular Carcinoma of the Breast Compared with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Treated with Breast Conservation Therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. April, 2009
Javid SH. Tubular carcinoma of the breast: results of a large contemporary series. Am J Surg. 2009 ;197(5):674-7.