Path Image

Low cuboidal cells, which lack atypia, are relatively scant, and a few background squamous epithelial cells are observed in this FNA

The FNA background shows debris, and close inspection yields three ciliated low columnar cells with bland features and cilia.

The resection consists of ciliated columnar epithelium lining a cystic space.


The esophagus is the second most common site of GI tract duplications, accounting for 10%–20% of gastrointestinal duplications. A duplication is a partial or complete doubling of the segment of bowel, and the vast majority (99%) arise in the foregut. 10-20% arise as esophageal duplication cysts as shown in this case. Duplication cysts may occasionally arise in association with rotational disorders or vertebral body defects. In particular, esophageal duplication cysts may be seen with pulmonary cystic malformations. Overall, about 1/3 of duplication cysts present alongside a developmental abnormality.


Cysts are usually found relatively early in life (first year or two). Most signs and symptoms are vague and relate to the site of origin. Cysts can be single, multiple, and communicating or noncommunicating.

Last updated: 2010-09-10
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